Cedar Falls Iowa — Leveled UP — By Luke Rohm

Tip Your Bartender

Luke Rohm | Leveled UP
1 min readMar 19, 2020


Let me add some “flavor” to my GoFundMe story since this is my site. There is going to have to be a whole lot more we than me in the coming months. Being a millennial and a company of millennials this is our time. We are not selfish. We were just dealt a shitty hand. And now is where we show everyone else why they are and always have been wrong about us. Be the generation we were born to be.

We are all affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. Things are changing by the day or even the hour. For our friends in the service industry it’s become very real very fast.

With most unable or soon to be unable to work this pandemic becomes economic now. While there are bills congress is working on and unemployment benefits available. These folks depend on tips to pay their bills.

We know everyone’s budget is about to become a whole lot tighter. We’re asking you give what you can to keep our friends bills paid as their kept your drinks wet.

Give what you can.

Starting with our friends at Berk’s, Blueroom, Harry’s, and Landmark. See what happens.



